Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
41749 | Hyden | 2,225 |
41776 | Wooton | 1,940 |
41777 | Yeaddiss | 1,205 |
40868 | Stinnett | 1,026 |
40827 | Essie | 777 |
41714 | Bear Branch | 651 |
40840 | Helton | 458 |
41766 | Thousandsticks | 450 |
41764 | Smilax | 409 |
41775 | Wendover | 232 |
40858 | Mozelle | 171 |
40874 | Warbranch | 115 |
40803 | Asher | 95 |
40844 | Hoskinston | 88 |
41762 | Sizerock | 88 |
40808 | Big Laurel | 27 |
40979 | Roark | 0 |
40816 | Chappell | 0 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 18 ZCTAs in Leslie County, Kentucky (US Census).