Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
8302 | Bridgeton | 47,487 |
8360 | Vineland | 43,784 |
8332 | Millville | 35,292 |
8361 | Vineland | 18,886 |
8327 | Leesburg | 3,836 |
8349 | Port Norris | 2,450 |
8311 | Cedarville | 1,601 |
8320 | Fairton | 1,053 |
8340 | Milmay | 939 |
8345 | Newport | 709 |
8323 | Greenwich | 683 |
8314 | Delmont | 587 |
8352 | Rosenhayn | 388 |
8324 | Heislerville | 327 |
8329 | Mauricetown | 321 |
8353 | Shiloh | 305 |
8348 | Port Elizabeth | 196 |
8316 | Dorchester | 163 |
8321 | Fortescue | 95 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 19 ZCTAs in Cumberland County, New Jersey (US Census).