Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
87701 | Las Vegas | 17,991 |
87552 | Pecos | 2,132 |
87560 | Ribera | 1,635 |
87745 | Sapello | 1,067 |
87711 | Anton Chico | 945 |
87562 | Rowe | 582 |
87731 | Montezuma | 511 |
87569 | Serafina | 466 |
87583 | Villanueva | 455 |
87538 | Ilfeld | 441 |
87565 | San Jose | 351 |
87742 | Rociada | 283 |
88416 | Conchas Dam | 147 |
87746 | Solano | 78 |
88421 | Garita | 19 |
87573 | Tererro | 6 |
88439 | Trementina | 0 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 17 ZCTAs in San Miguel County, New Mexico (US Census).