Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
87020 | Grants | 10,555 |
87026 | Laguna | 3,817 |
87034 | Pueblo Of Acoma | 2,982 |
87021 | Milan | 2,793 |
87051 | San Rafael | 2,103 |
87321 | Ramah | 1,963 |
87007 | Casa Blanca | 1,824 |
87357 | Pinehill | 1,043 |
87014 | Cubero | 591 |
87040 | Paguate | 481 |
87038 | New Laguna | 359 |
87049 | San Fidel | 304 |
87315 | Fence Lake | 223 |
87005 | Bluewater | 25 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 14 ZCTAs in Cibola County, New Mexico (US Census).