Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
88061 | Silver City | 17,784 |
88023 | Bayard | 2,184 |
88043 | Hurley | 1,652 |
88026 | Santa Clara | 1,610 |
88041 | Hanover | 1,423 |
88022 | Arenas Valley | 807 |
88049 | Mimbres | 746 |
88065 | Tyrone | 716 |
88038 | Gila | 329 |
88028 | Cliff | 277 |
88053 | Pinos Altos | 185 |
88034 | Faywood | 64 |
88051 | Mule Creek | 64 |
88025 | Buckhorn | 50 |
88055 | Redrock | 34 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 15 ZCTAs in Grant County, New Mexico (US Census).