Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
87532 | Espanola | 19,827 |
87566 | Ohkay Owingeh | 2,906 |
87511 | Alcalde | 2,806 |
87528 | Dulce | 2,650 |
87537 | Hernandez | 2,561 |
87412 | Blanco | 1,594 |
87520 | Chama | 1,212 |
87549 | Ojo Caliente | 1,166 |
87582 | Velarde | 1,055 |
87575 | Tierra Amarilla | 986 |
87530 | El Rito | 975 |
87548 | Medanales | 944 |
87527 | Dixon | 896 |
87521 | Chamisal | 880 |
87510 | Abiquiu | 861 |
87577 | Tres Piedras | 589 |
87017 | Gallina | 373 |
87029 | Lindrith | 367 |
87551 | Los Ojos | 324 |
87012 | Coyote | 320 |
87578 | Truchas | 320 |
87046 | Regina | 217 |
87539 | La Madera | 214 |
87523 | Cordova | 180 |
87515 | Canjilon | 169 |
87064 | Youngsville | 109 |
87516 | Canones | 95 |
87581 | Vallecitos | 30 |
87554 | Petaca | 0 |
87518 | Cebolla | 0 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 30 ZCTAs in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico (US Census).