Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
88001 | Las Cruces | 39,358 |
88012 | Las Cruces | 31,800 |
88011 | Las Cruces | 30,831 |
88005 | Las Cruces | 27,279 |
88007 | Las Cruces | 24,983 |
88021 | Anthony | 16,156 |
88008 | Santa Teresa | 11,771 |
88063 | Sunland Park | 11,398 |
87937 | Hatch | 3,546 |
88048 | Mesquite | 3,211 |
88072 | Vado | 2,937 |
88044 | La Mesa | 2,499 |
88002 | White Sands Missile Range | 1,449 |
88047 | Mesilla Park | 1,372 |
88004 | Las Cruces | 1,037 |
87941 | Salem | 860 |
88027 | Chamberino | 708 |
88046 | Mesilla | 663 |
88003 | Las Cruces | 458 |
88024 | Berino | 430 |
87940 | Rincon | 414 |
87936 | Garfield | 234 |
88052 | Organ | 98 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 23 ZCTAs in Doña Ana County, New Mexico (US Census).