Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
53081 | Sheboygan | 43,042 |
53083 | Sheboygan | 22,022 |
53073 | Plymouth | 16,136 |
53085 | Sheboygan Falls | 11,632 |
53070 | Oostburg | 4,815 |
53013 | Cedar Grove | 3,726 |
53020 | Elkhart Lake | 3,589 |
53075 | Random Lake | 3,327 |
53044 | Kohler | 2,267 |
53011 | Cascade | 2,106 |
53093 | Waldo | 2,007 |
53001 | Adell | 1,774 |
53023 | Glenbeulah | 1,277 |
53031 | Hingham | 61 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 14 ZCTAs in Sheboygan County, Wisconsin (US Census).