Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
53818 | Platteville | 15,712 |
53813 | Lancaster | 6,211 |
53805 | Boscobel | 5,613 |
53809 | Fennimore | 4,721 |
53807 | Cuba City | 4,315 |
53811 | Hazel Green | 3,197 |
53573 | Muscoda | 3,038 |
53820 | Potosi | 2,314 |
53806 | Cassville | 1,604 |
53804 | Bloomington | 1,346 |
53801 | Bagley | 1,034 |
53554 | Livingston | 983 |
53808 | Dickeyville | 936 |
53569 | Montfort | 907 |
53816 | Mount Hope | 905 |
53825 | Stitzer | 468 |
53827 | Woodman | 361 |
53810 | Glen Haven | 316 |
53812 | Kieler | 311 |
53817 | Patch Grove | 225 |
53802 | Beetown | 134 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 21 ZCTAs in Grant County, Wisconsin (US Census).