Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
54115 | De Pere | 48,796 |
54313 | Green Bay | 40,653 |
54311 | Green Bay | 37,187 |
54302 | Green Bay | 31,428 |
54304 | Green Bay | 27,859 |
54303 | Green Bay | 27,366 |
54301 | Green Bay | 22,116 |
54155 | Oneida | 7,997 |
54208 | Denmark | 6,078 |
54229 | New Franken | 4,926 |
54126 | Greenleaf | 4,133 |
54173 | Suamico | 3,523 |
54180 | Wrightstown | 3,221 |
54307 | Green Bay | 1,130 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 14 ZCTAs in Brown County, Wisconsin (US Census).