Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
99701 | Fairbanks | 18,295 |
99760 | Nenana | 761 |
99741 | Galena | 627 |
99740 | Fort Yukon | 476 |
99602 | Holy Cross | 277 |
99720 | Allakaket | 256 |
99765 | Nulato | 249 |
99627 | McGrath | 226 |
99777 | Tanana | 214 |
99590 | Grayling | 210 |
99722 | Arctic Village | 199 |
99748 | Kaltag | 197 |
99768 | Ruby | 194 |
99746 | Huslia | 182 |
99758 | Minto | 113 |
99781 | Venetie | 109 |
99730 | Central | 108 |
99788 | Chalkyitsik | 95 |
99691 | Nikolai | 91 |
99724 | Beaver | 87 |
99558 | Anvik | 74 |
99754 | Koyukuk | 74 |
99665 | Shageluk | 65 |
99675 | Takotna | 58 |
99733 | Circle | 45 |
99767 | Rampart | 41 |
99745 | Hughes | 34 |
99726 | Bettles Field | 27 |
99756 | Manley Hot Springs | 17 |
99757 | Lake Minchumina | 14 |
99790 | Fairbanks | 13 |
99774 | Stevens Village | 9 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 32 ZCTAs in Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area, Alaska (US Census).