Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
99762 | Nome | 4,150 |
99769 | Savoonga | 823 |
99684 | Unalakleet | 752 |
99671 | Stebbins | 654 |
99785 | Brevig Mission | 625 |
99772 | Shishmaref | 568 |
99742 | Gambell | 426 |
99771 | Shaktoolik | 312 |
99659 | Saint Michael | 308 |
99753 | Koyuk | 300 |
99783 | Wales | 294 |
99739 | Elim | 293 |
99778 | Teller | 279 |
99784 | White Mountain | 194 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 14 ZCTAs in Nome Census Area, Alaska (US Census).