Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
99581 | Emmonak | 1,293 |
99620 | Kotlik | 1,272 |
99658 | Saint Marys | 1,231 |
99554 | Alakanuk | 1,138 |
99632 | Mountain Village | 884 |
99604 | Hooper Bay | 801 |
99662 | Scammon Bay | 506 |
99563 | Chevak | 432 |
99650 | Pilot Station | 380 |
99585 | Marshall | 215 |
99657 | Russian Mission | 95 |
99666 | Nunam Iqua | 59 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 12 ZCTAs in Kusilvak Census Area, Alaska (US Census).