Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
95355 | Modesto | 60,338 |
95350 | Modesto | 55,368 |
95351 | Modesto | 48,134 |
95307 | Ceres | 47,978 |
95380 | Turlock | 44,204 |
95382 | Turlock | 38,727 |
95361 | Oakdale | 35,107 |
95356 | Modesto | 33,033 |
95358 | Modesto | 31,268 |
95363 | Patterson | 29,784 |
95367 | Riverbank | 25,162 |
95354 | Modesto | 25,100 |
95368 | Salida | 14,849 |
95357 | Modesto | 14,403 |
95360 | Newman | 13,781 |
95326 | Hughson | 10,672 |
95386 | Waterford | 10,387 |
95316 | Denair | 7,154 |
95328 | Keyes | 3,856 |
95319 | Empire | 1,651 |
95323 | Hickman | 1,516 |
95387 | Westley | 1,215 |
95313 | Crows Landing | 860 |
95385 | Vernalis | 531 |
95230 | Farmington | 513 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 25 ZCTAs in Stanislaus County, California (US Census).