Most reports about the average amount of reading per year, per person, by country indicate time spent reading. The United States, India, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy rank in the top five. This may include electronic media.
Country | Books Read Annually |
United States | 17 |
India | 16 |
United Kingdom | 15 |
France | 14 |
Italy | 13 |
Russia | 11 |
Australia | 10 |
Spain | 9 |
Netherlands | 8 |
Switzerland | 6.9 |
Americans read more printed books than e-books or audio books, though their consumption of electronic media has grown. This number of books Americans read increases, often significantly, if a person is in school and has reading assigned to them, especially in college.
More people around the world have embraced electronic versus print media, especially after 2020. Nevertheless, a 2022 update of this data indicates that only 9% of people had read only digital media 12 months prior to the study. After deducting the 23% that don’t read books at all, it’s divided almost equally between reading a mixture of print and media and just print books.
The list of the most-read books of all time includes the Holy Bible as number one and the Holy Quran at number two. The Harry Potter Series, collections of quotes from The Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse Tung (former Communist China Party leader), and Lord of the Rings are several of the other most read books.