Breakfast by Country 2025

Typical Breakfast Foods
AfghanistanKalah pacha | Naan-e roghani | Tokhme banjanromi
AlbaniaBread with condiments | Eggs | Jam or cheese | Milk | Raki in coffee | Seafood | Scone | Tea
AlgeriaCafé au lait or espresso | Sweet pastries (Croissants, Mille-feuilles) | Traditional bread with date filling or jam (Kesra, Bradj)
AngolaEggs | Fruits | Funge
Antigua and BarbudaAvocado | Chop-up | Hard-boiled egg | Plantain | Salt fish flaked into pieces and sautéed with onions and peppers
ArgentinaBombas | Churros | Medialunes
ArmeniaBreads | Cheeses | Eggs | Jams | Jellies | Vegetables
AustraliaBacon | Cereal | Eggs | Hash browns | Mushrooms | Pancake | Sausages | Smashed avo | Tomato | Toast with jam or vegemite | Weet-bix
BangladeshChapati | Roti | Paratha with curry | Rice with curry | Sliced bread with jam | Tea
BrazilBread | Butter | Cakes | Cereal | Cheese | Coffee | Eggs | Fruit juice | Fruits | Ham | Jam | Milk | Pão de queijo | Yogurt
BulgariaButter | Milk or tea | Sirene cheese | Sugar | Warm bread
CanadaBacon | Cereals | Eggs | Fried potatoes | Hot oatmeal | Maple-cured bacon | Maple-infused beans | Pancakes (or French toast) with maple syrup | Pork sausages | Toast
ChinaSweet or salty pancakes | Soup | Youtiao (Deep-fried bread sticks) | Mantou (Buns) | Congee | Noodles | Tea
Costa RicaGallo pinto (rice and beans sautéed with chile, onions, culantro) | Fried egg | Cheese | Fried plantain or cooking plantain
CroatiaPastries | Fermented milk products | Cold cuts (Prosciutto, Ham, Salami) | Fried eggs | Sir i vrhnje | Coffee
CubaCafé con leche | Toasted buttered Cuban bread dunked in coffee | Roasted pork, beans, and white rice | Cuajada sweetened with caramel
Czech RepublicScrambled eggs | Rye bread with unsalted butter
DenmarkButter | Cheeses | Coffee or tea | Danish pastries | Ham | Jam | Rye bread | Soft-boiled eggs
Dominican RepublicBread, butter, cheese | Boiled eggs with "harina de negrito" or other corn starch | Breakfast with vegetables, green or cooking plantain, boiled or mashed (Mangú) | Coffee with milk or hot chocolate | Milk punch (milk, egg, nutmeg, malt)
EgyptCheeses | Fried eggs with pastirma | Ful medames | Taʿamiya (Falafel)
El SalvadorCheese or crema | Fried or scrambled eggs | Fried plantains | Refried beans or casamiento | Sometimes sausage or avocado | Thick Salvadoran-style tortillas
EthiopiaGenfo (barley/wheat/corn porridge with butter and berbere)
FijiBiscuits | Bread | Cereals | Fruits and lemon leaf tea | Leftover fish or meat | Pancakes | Starches like cassava, taro, or rice | Tea | Tea with milk and sugar | Tovoi or babakau (fried dough) | Urban Households:Tea | Vegetable curry with roti
FinlandCoffee or tea | Cold cuts | Fruit | Hard cheese | Oatmeal | Open sandwiches with butter | Sour milk products
FranceCroissant | Croque Madame | Pain Perdu | Quiches | Tartine
GermanyBoiled Eggs | Bread Rolls | Fruit Preserves | Marmalades |
GreeceBread with butter | Coffee or milk | Honey | Marmalade | Savory pastry (Tyropita, Spanakopita, Bougatsa)
GuamChamorro Pork Sausage | Fried Rice and Eggs with Spam
GuatemalaBeans - baked/fried | Eggs - fried, scrambled, or boiled | Fresh cheese | Fresh cream | Fried plantains (or cooking plantain)
HondurasBeans | Bread - homemade w/ butter | Cheese | Coffee | Corn | Eggs | Milk | Plantain - Fried | Tortillas
Hong KongBread | Cha chaan teng | Dim sum | Egg | English and Cantonese style breakfasts | Milk tea | Noodles
HungaryBacon | Beef tongue | Bread rolls (including crescent-shaped kifli) | Butter | Cereal like muesli | Cheese | Coffee | Cold cuts | Cream cheeses | Disznósajt | Eggs (fried, scrambled, or boiled) | French toast (Bundás kenyér) | Fruit | Ham | Honey | Hungarian sausages or kolbász | Jam | Kefir | Körözött | Liver pâté | Milk | Mortadella | Open sandwich with fresh bread or toast | Pastries with different fillings (sweet and savory) | Salami | Strudel | Tea | Toast | Túró cheese | Vegetables (peppers, bell peppers, tomatoes, radishes, scallions, cucumber) | Yogurt
IcelandBlack pudding | Coffee | Oatmeal porridge | Orange juice | Rye bread | Skyr
IndiaAppam | Bisibelebath | Dosa | Idli | Masala dosa | Parotta | Pongal | Poori | Rava idli | Sambar vada | Thayir vadai | Upma | Vada
IndonesiaBread (Roti bakar) | Bubur ayam | Kue (Arem-arem, Bagea, Bahulu, Serabi) | Nasi gurih | Nasi lemak | Nasi liwet | Nasi uduk
IranBlack tea | Butter | Clotted cream | Flatbread (Barbari, Tafton, Sangak, Lavash) | Fruits | Honey | Jam | Nuts | White cheese |
IrelandSimilar to the Full English breakfast | Variations with grilling the protein and using poached eggs
IsraelBaba ghanoush | Bread | Cheeses | Hummus | Israeli salad | Middle Eastern mezze | Scrambled eggs | Spreads | Tehina | Vegetables
ItalyBurro e Marmellata | Cornetto | Fette Biscottate | Pane
JamaicaAckee and saltfish | Boiled green bananas | Fried dumplings | Seasoned callaloo
JapanFish - grilled | Green tea | Japanese pickles | Miso soup | Nori | Raw egg | Steamed white rice |
LatviaLight oat porridge | Open sandwiches with toppings (vegetables, fish, eggs, cheese) |
MalawiCornbread | Porridge | Savory fritters | Sweet black tea | Vegetables - Boiled starchy
MalaysiaFishball noodles | Half-boiled eggs | Kaya toast | Kopi | Laksa | Nasi dagang | Nasi lemak | Roti canai/prata | Teh tarik
MaltaCereal with milk | Coffee | Tea
MexicoAtole | Barbacoa | Birria | Carnitas | Chilaquiles | Enchiladas | Entomatadas | Huevos a la mexicana | Huevos rancheros | Menudo (soup) | Molletes | Pambazo | Quesadillas | Tamales | Tlayuda
MoroccoBread | Crepes | Harcha | Msemen | Olive oil | Tea |
MyanmarChapati | Htamin jaw (Fried rice with boiled peas) | Mohinga | Nan bya | Yei nway jan (Green tea)
NetherlandsChocolate flakes | Chocolate spread | Chocolate sprinkles | Eggs - fried or boiled | Raisin bread | Sliced bread with butter or margarine | Toppings (cheese, cured and sliced meats, sweet or semi-sweet products, chocolate toppings)
New ZealandPorridge in winter | Processed breakfast cereals | Similar to English breakfast. May include steak. Various egg dishes, beans, beef, or avocado on toast, sweetcorn fritters, pancakes. | Toast with butter, margarine, preserves, or eggs
NicaraguaCheese | Corn tortillas | Eggs | Gallo pinto (red beans and rice) | Nacatamales (corn mass with rice, potatoes, pork or chicken, onions, wrapped in plantain leaves) on Sundays. | Sweet plantains
NigeriaAcarajé (Akara) | Funkaso | Gari (Cassava root) | Kosai | Moi moi | Ògì (Corn porridge)
NorwayCheese (Jarlsberg, Norvegia, brunost) | Cold cuts | Jam | Leverpostei | Mackerel in tomato sauce | Open sandwiches (smørbrød) | Whole wheat bread
PakistanHalwa poori | Kulcha | Nihari | Omelette | Paratha | Siri paya
PanamaBollo" (corn, white corn, or coconut wrapped in corn leaves) | Corn tortillas | Heavy breakfast with black coffee (tinto or pintado). Sides include corn tortillas, traditional white cheese, "torrejas" (wheat flour pancakes)
PhilippinesEggs - fried | Pandesal | Rice - fried | Silog combinations (Longsilog, Tapsilog, Tocilog) | Tapa | Tocino | Tuyo (Dried fish)
PolandEggs (soft-boiled or scrambled) | Jam | Oatmeal - hot | Polish sausage | Sides eaten with bread or toast (various cold cuts, meat spreads, Polish sausage, tomatoes, cheese, sliced pickles) | Twaróg (Polish cheese) |
PortugalPasteis de Nata (egg custard tarts) | Um Galao (milky coffee drinks) | Uma Mei de Leite
Puerto RicoAmerican-influenced staples such as pancakes, waffles, bacon, English muffins, yogurt with fruit and nuts, French toast, eggs, and steak | Crêpes | Cremas | Hot chocolate | Jibarita | Pan de Agua | Puerto Rican specialties include Jibarita, Crêpes, Pan de Agua, Revoltillo (scrambled eggs with local ingredients), Sorullos (sweet corn fritters), and various drinks like Cremas, Punche de Malta, and hot chocolate | Punche de Malta | Revoltillo (scrambled eggs with local ingredients) | Sorullos (sweet corn fritters) | Various drinks like Cremas, Punche de Malta, and hot chocolate
RomaniaBread - toasted, with butter or margarine | Cheese | Coffee | Cured meats | Fruit jams or preserves | Honey | Liver pâté | Milk | Salami | Tea
RussiaKashas or porridges (buckwheat, oat) | Open sandwiches (buterbrod) with cold cuts and cheeses | Pancakes (blini) | Cheese pancakes (sirniki)
SenegalBaguette with spreads (Butter, Cheese, Chocoleca) | Beignets | Café Touba | Fresh fruit | Spiced coffee
SerbiaBakery products (kiflice, paštete, projarice, pogačica) | Eggs (omelet, scrambled or boiled) | Canned fish | Eggs (omelet, scrambled, or boiled) | Fried mushrooms | Open sandwiches with prosciutto, ham, bacon, salami, feta cheese, Serbian traditional cheese | Salad with sour cream or mayonnaise
SingaporeBoiled eggs | Kaya toast | Roti Prata | Tea
SomaliaBeef jerky | Canjeero (Pancake-like bread) | Ghee | Honey | Lahoh | Tea (Shaah)
South AfricaKoesisters (doughnuts) | Maize porridge | Museli rusk
South KoreaBanchan (Side dishes) | Broth | Fish or beef | Rice and soup dishes | Stew or porridge
SpainBiscuits or toasts with various toppings (butter, jam, jamón serrano, olive oil, pâté, salt, sobrasada, tomato) | Buns | Chocolate con churros | Coffee with milk or Cola Cao | Galletas | Magdalenas | Orange juice
SwedenCheese | Cold cuts | Coffee | Cottage cheese | Cream cheese | Eggs (scrambled or boiled) | Hot chocolate | Juices | Open sandwich of soft or crisp bread | Pâté | Smörgåskaviar | Tea | Toast with marmalade or honey
SwitzerlandBirchermüesli | Muesli | Sunday mornings and New Year's Day tradition | Zopf
TaiwanBubble tea | Danbing | Eel noodles | Milkfish congee | Scallion pancake | Shaobing | Turnip cake | Youtiao
ThailandKhao Tom (boiled rice and egg with various toppings)
TunisiaLablabi (Breakfast stew)
TurkeyBeyaz peynir | Börek | Bread | Butter | Cheese (beyaz peynir, kaşar, etc.) | Cucumbers | Eggs | Honey | Jam | Kaşar | Kaymak | Lentil soup | Olives | Pastırma | Poğaça | Simit | Soups (chicken broth, lentil soup, tarhana soup) | Sucuk | Tarhana soup | Tomatoes | Turkish coffee
UgandaGari | Katogo (Matoke with sauce) | Porridge | Tea or juice
UkraineSyrniki Pancakes (tvorog/ricotta cheese)
United KingdomBacon | Baked beans | Black pudding or white pudding | Bubble and squeak (a side made from potatoes and cabbage) | Fried bread | Fried, scrambled, or poached eggs | Mushrooms | Sausages | Toast | Tomatoes |
United StatesBacon | Bagels | Biscuits | Biscuits and gravy | Cereal with milk | Breakfast sandwiches and burritos | Coffee | Doughnuts or pastries | Eggs | French Toast Fruit | Fruit juices (especially orange juice) | Granola bars | Grits | Ham Milk (plain or flavored, like chocolate) | Oatmeal - hot | Pancakes | Preserved meats | Sausages | Tea | Toast | Waffles |
UruguayAmerican-style breakfast with cereal, milk, or yogurt | Cheese | Chocolate milk | Coffee | Mate (herbal tea) served with torta frita |
VenezuelaEmpanada (fried pastry with wheat flour)
VietnamPho | Trứng Vịt Lộn (boiled duck embryo) | Xoi (sticky rice)
  • Not all possible breakfast items for each country are listed.
  • Most breakfasts will not include every food listed for a given country.
  • The United Kingdom entry lists foods that are often included as part of the ‘English breakfast’ referenced in several other entries.