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Paternity Leave by Country 2024


Fathers in Lithuania end up having at least 30 off of work to take care of an infant child. This employee usually receives about 77.58% his usually salary. A dad may also have the chance to share parental leave for up to three more years. It’s full salary for the first two years and 70% of the usual annual income for the two years to follow.


Japanese fathers at least receive a whole year of paid leave to take care of a newborn child. Compensation totals 67% of the usual salary for 180 days and 50% for the remainder paid for by the government. This doesn’t include maternal leave, which mothers can take advantage of apart from the paid leave that fathers can receive.


This country offers parents to receive 480 days, which equals to a little more than a year, time off work to care for a newborn child. This time might be split between two parents or allocated to one of the two raising the child after it’s born. Starting offer is 80% of one or both parent’s salaries and follows a tiered structure from that figure.


Estonia offers a total of 435 days of combined parental leave for two caretakers who would raise the child from birth. This includes two weeks of full pay for the father to be involved after the child is born.


As of 2021, the country has decided to offer six months of paid leave for one parent and then the same amount of time for the other. Parents who request leave can receive at least 80% of their usual earnings. Parents can transfer leave time to some extent to which one parent has leave time for five months and the other seven months.


Slovenia's employers pay the first two weeks of a parent’s salary at 100%. Then, the father would receive 10 weeks of compensation that totals at least a standard minimum wage.


Fathers in Norway have a choice. They can choose to receive full salary as usual for 15 weeks or 80% of their usual pay for 19 weeks. This country’s social security system funds the paternity leave received by fathers.


The system might seem a bit more complicated than in some other countries for fathers seeking paternity leave. At least the country does provide options. It’s possible for parents to share leave time for up to 35 weeks while receiving at least 55% of their usual earnings or a maximum payment of $573 per week.

Which country has the most paternity leave?

The best paternal leave in the world belongs to employees who live in Lithuania. Fathers can have up to 30 days off to care for an infant child. They also have parental leave benefits for up to three years.

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