Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
32514 | Pensacola | 43,940 |
32526 | Pensacola | 41,522 |
32506 | Pensacola | 36,066 |
32503 | Pensacola | 33,875 |
32507 | Pensacola | 32,766 |
32533 | Cantonment | 29,975 |
32505 | Pensacola | 28,055 |
32504 | Pensacola | 21,710 |
32534 | Pensacola | 15,448 |
32501 | Pensacola | 10,908 |
32561 | Gulf Breeze | 9,495 |
32535 | Century | 5,510 |
32508 | Pensacola | 5,015 |
32577 | Molino | 4,313 |
32502 | Pensacola | 3,887 |
32568 | McDavid | 3,610 |
32511 | Pensacola | 1,145 |
32509 | Pensacola | 428 |
32512 | Pensacola | 0 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 19 ZCTAs in Escambia County, Florida (US Census).