Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
34668 | Port Richey | 49,271 |
34655 | New Port Richey | 45,050 |
34653 | New Port Richey | 35,319 |
33543 | Wesley Chapel | 35,187 |
34638 | Land O'Lakes | 33,183 |
34639 | Land O'Lakes | 29,953 |
34667 | Hudson | 29,836 |
33544 | Wesley Chapel | 28,472 |
33545 | Wesley Chapel | 25,721 |
34652 | New Port Richey | 25,335 |
33542 | Zephyrhills | 24,573 |
34654 | New Port Richey | 23,727 |
33541 | Zephyrhills | 23,224 |
34691 | Holiday | 19,868 |
33525 | Dade City | 19,186 |
33523 | Dade City | 18,867 |
34610 | Spring Hill | 16,620 |
34669 | Hudson | 14,563 |
34690 | Holiday | 11,876 |
34637 | Land O'Lakes | 10,784 |
33540 | Zephyrhills | 10,282 |
33576 | San Antonio | 6,076 |
33574 | Saint Leo | 1,651 |
34679 | Aripeka | 144 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 24 ZCTAs in Pasco County, Florida (US Census).