Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
32259 | Saint Johns | 66,518 |
32092 | Saint Augustine | 45,098 |
32084 | Saint Augustine | 36,129 |
32086 | Saint Augustine | 33,817 |
32082 | Ponte Vedra Beach | 28,697 |
32081 | Ponte Vedra | 24,368 |
32080 | Saint Augustine | 21,167 |
32095 | Saint Augustine | 16,419 |
32145 | Hastings | 5,553 |
32033 | Elkton | 4,704 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 10 ZCTAs in St. Johns County, Florida (US Census).