Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
32177 | Palatka | 26,290 |
32148 | Interlachen | 10,923 |
32112 | Crescent City | 8,002 |
32666 | Melrose | 6,313 |
32189 | Satsuma | 5,108 |
32131 | East Palatka | 4,381 |
32181 | Pomona Park | 3,163 |
32140 | Florahome | 1,727 |
32147 | Hollister | 1,427 |
32187 | San Mateo | 1,221 |
32193 | Welaka | 1,122 |
32157 | Lake Como | 876 |
32139 | Georgetown | 791 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 13 ZCTAs in Putnam County, Florida (US Census).