Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
4240 | Lewiston | 37,577 |
4210 | Auburn | 24,038 |
4280 | Sabattus | 6,935 |
4274 | Poland | 5,883 |
4282 | Turner | 5,822 |
4252 | Lisbon Falls | 4,971 |
4250 | Lisbon | 4,698 |
4236 | Greene | 4,377 |
4222 | Durham | 4,176 |
4256 | Mechanic Falls | 3,094 |
4254 | Livermore Falls | 3,061 |
4258 | Minot | 2,760 |
4263 | Leeds | 2,267 |
4253 | Livermore | 1,873 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 14 ZCTAs in Androscoggin County, Maine (US Census).