Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
4915 | Belfast | 9,078 |
4496 | Winterport | 3,837 |
4849 | Lincolnville | 3,808 |
4974 | Searsport | 2,649 |
4981 | Stockton Springs | 2,479 |
4986 | Thorndike | 2,382 |
4988 | Unity | 1,988 |
4941 | Freedom | 1,736 |
4952 | Morrill | 1,730 |
4921 | Brooks | 1,586 |
4354 | Palermo | 1,447 |
4973 | Searsmont | 1,415 |
4438 | Frankfort | 1,323 |
4951 | Monroe | 1,079 |
4987 | Troy | 962 |
4949 | Liberty | 884 |
4922 | Burnham | 829 |
4848 | Islesboro | 617 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 18 ZCTAs in Waldo County, Maine (US Census).