Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
4401 | Bangor | 44,285 |
4412 | Brewer | 9,633 |
4444 | Hampden | 9,303 |
4468 | Old Town | 9,234 |
4473 | Orono | 8,171 |
4457 | Lincoln | 5,794 |
4930 | Dexter | 4,226 |
4474 | Orrington | 3,820 |
4428 | Eddington | 3,500 |
4953 | Newport | 3,143 |
4461 | Milford | 3,073 |
4456 | Levant | 2,965 |
4469 | Orono | 2,958 |
4427 | Corinth | 2,916 |
4419 | Carmel | 2,902 |
4928 | Corinna | 1,925 |
4493 | West Enfield | 1,823 |
4418 | Greenbush | 1,785 |
4411 | Bradley | 1,693 |
4430 | East Millinocket | 1,541 |
4448 | Howland | 1,397 |
4450 | Kenduskeag | 1,370 |
4969 | Plymouth | 1,319 |
4488 | Stetson | 1,293 |
4460 | Medway | 1,200 |
4434 | Etna | 1,200 |
4932 | Dixmont | 1,186 |
4435 | Exeter | 1,170 |
4449 | Hudson | 1,127 |
4422 | Charleston | 1,094 |
4410 | Bradford | 1,090 |
4765 | Patten | 1,030 |
4453 | Lagrange | 870 |
4939 | Garland | 817 |
4455 | Lee | 814 |
4487 | Springfield | 812 |
4475 | Passadumkeag | 505 |
4777 | Stacyville | 427 |
4417 | Burlington | 407 |
4495 | Winn | 349 |
4489 | Stillwater | 327 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 41 ZCTAs in Penobscot County, Maine (US Census).