Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
4938 | Farmington | 10,261 |
4239 | Jay | 4,637 |
4294 | Wilton | 3,949 |
4966 | Phillips | 1,651 |
4983 | Strong | 1,594 |
4947 | Kingfield | 1,588 |
4970 | Rangeley | 1,507 |
4955 | New Sharon | 1,449 |
4984 | Temple | 735 |
4956 | New Vineyard | 691 |
4285 | Weld | 398 |
4982 | Stratton | 328 |
4936 | Eustis | 179 |
4234 | East Wilton | 0 |
4940 | Farmington Falls | 0 |
4992 | West Farmington | 0 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 16 ZCTAs in Franklin County, Maine (US Census).