Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
4103 | Portland | 31,892 |
4106 | South Portland | 26,873 |
4074 | Scarborough | 22,098 |
4011 | Brunswick | 21,691 |
4092 | Westbrook | 20,339 |
4062 | Windham | 18,648 |
4038 | Gorham | 17,999 |
4101 | Portland | 17,832 |
4102 | Portland | 17,501 |
4105 | Falmouth | 12,436 |
4107 | Cape Elizabeth | 9,519 |
4096 | Yarmouth | 8,984 |
4032 | Freeport | 8,700 |
4039 | Gray | 7,893 |
4084 | Standish | 7,345 |
4021 | Cumberland Center | 6,633 |
4260 | New Gloucester | 5,705 |
4009 | Bridgton | 5,366 |
4071 | Raymond | 4,958 |
4079 | Harpswell | 4,250 |
4097 | North Yarmouth | 4,106 |
4055 | Naples | 3,928 |
4015 | Casco | 3,657 |
4085 | Steep Falls | 3,107 |
4040 | Harrison | 3,044 |
4029 | Sebago | 2,011 |
4110 | Cumberland Foreside | 1,810 |
4069 | Pownal | 1,600 |
4108 | Peaks Island | 859 |
4091 | West Baldwin | 740 |
4066 | Orrs Island | 644 |
4017 | Chebeague Island | 597 |
4024 | East Baldwin | 432 |
4050 | Long Island | 282 |
4109 | Portland | 141 |
4003 | Bailey Island | 123 |
4057 | North Bridgton | 105 |
4019 | Cliff Island | 55 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 38 ZCTAs in Cumberland County, Maine (US Census).