Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
4901 | Waterville | 26,463 |
4330 | Augusta | 26,394 |
4345 | Gardiner | 12,282 |
4963 | Oakland | 7,376 |
4364 | Winthrop | 6,138 |
4989 | Vassalboro | 4,526 |
4358 | South China | 4,434 |
4350 | Litchfield | 3,605 |
4259 | Monmouth | 3,410 |
4927 | Clinton | 3,381 |
4917 | Belgrade | 3,258 |
4344 | Farmingdale | 2,988 |
4363 | Windsor | 2,643 |
4355 | Readfield | 2,616 |
4347 | Hallowell | 2,558 |
4351 | Manchester | 2,387 |
4910 | Albion | 2,311 |
4352 | Mount Vernon | 1,618 |
4346 | Randolph | 1,522 |
4349 | Kents Hill | 1,302 |
4284 | Wayne | 1,069 |
4265 | North Monmouth | 697 |
4360 | Vienna | 642 |
4359 | South Gardiner | 326 |
4918 | Belgrade Lakes | 0 |
4926 | China Village | 0 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 26 ZCTAs in Kennebec County, Maine (US Census).