Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
4841 | Rockland | 6,986 |
4843 | Camden | 5,221 |
4864 | Warren | 4,873 |
4862 | Union | 4,130 |
4856 | Rockport | 3,636 |
4861 | Thomaston | 2,753 |
4847 | Hope | 1,795 |
4574 | Washington | 1,711 |
4860 | Tenants Harbor | 1,590 |
4563 | Cushing | 1,464 |
4854 | Owls Head | 1,440 |
4858 | South Thomaston | 1,371 |
4547 | Friendship | 1,145 |
4863 | Vinalhaven | 981 |
4859 | Spruce Head | 781 |
4853 | North Haven | 448 |
4855 | Port Clyde | 266 |
4851 | Matinicus | 95 |
4645 | Isle Au Haut | 43 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 19 ZCTAs in Knox County, Maine (US Census).