Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
4270 | Oxford | 6,127 |
4276 | Rumford | 5,871 |
4281 | South Paris | 5,226 |
4268 | Norway | 5,113 |
4037 | Fryeburg | 3,820 |
4220 | Buckfield | 3,445 |
4217 | Bethel | 3,364 |
4224 | Dixfield | 2,872 |
4257 | Mexico | 2,758 |
4289 | West Paris | 1,980 |
4010 | Brownfield | 1,741 |
4041 | Hiram | 1,644 |
4290 | Peru | 1,620 |
4068 | Porter | 1,497 |
4051 | Lovell | 1,436 |
4219 | Bryant Pond | 1,269 |
4238 | Hebron | 1,260 |
4022 | Denmark | 1,131 |
4088 | Waterford | 1,127 |
4221 | Canton | 1,075 |
4292 | Sumner | 1,000 |
4275 | Roxbury | 746 |
4255 | Greenwood | 687 |
4216 | Andover | 622 |
4261 | Newry | 311 |
4231 | Stoneham | 282 |
4237 | Hanover | 234 |
4964 | Oquossoc | 114 |
4226 | East Andover | 81 |
4227 | East Dixfield | 45 |
4267 | North Waterford | 36 |
4271 | Paris | 0 |
4286 | West Bethel | 0 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 33 ZCTAs in Oxford County, Maine (US Census).