Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
49659 | Mancelona | 7,131 |
49727 | East Jordan | 6,731 |
49615 | Bellaire | 3,946 |
49648 | Kewadin | 2,572 |
49622 | Central Lake | 2,439 |
49730 | Elmira | 2,115 |
49629 | Elk Rapids | 2,067 |
49729 | Ellsworth | 1,463 |
49612 | Alden | 1,400 |
49611 | Alba | 403 |
49627 | Eastport | 267 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 11 ZCTAs in Antrim County, Michigan (US Census).