Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
49508 | Grand Rapids | 42,515 |
49504 | Grand Rapids | 40,686 |
49507 | Grand Rapids | 39,899 |
49341 | Rockford | 39,094 |
49503 | Grand Rapids | 37,471 |
49548 | Grand Rapids | 34,615 |
49546 | Grand Rapids | 34,308 |
49506 | Grand Rapids | 33,877 |
49505 | Grand Rapids | 32,325 |
49525 | Grand Rapids | 30,509 |
49418 | Grandville | 30,419 |
49509 | Wyoming | 28,549 |
49519 | Wyoming | 28,070 |
49315 | Byron Center | 25,397 |
49316 | Caledonia | 25,291 |
49301 | Ada | 20,092 |
49512 | Grand Rapids | 19,141 |
49319 | Cedar Springs | 18,658 |
49331 | Lowell | 17,522 |
49321 | Comstock Park | 15,740 |
49345 | Sparta | 13,155 |
49306 | Belmont | 10,847 |
49544 | Grand Rapids | 9,977 |
49302 | Alto | 9,582 |
49343 | Sand Lake | 6,062 |
49330 | Kent City | 5,681 |
49326 | Gowen | 3,767 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 27 ZCTAs in Kent County, Michigan (US Census).