Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
48162 | Monroe | 28,740 |
48161 | Monroe | 26,775 |
48182 | Temperance | 21,391 |
48160 | Milan | 14,163 |
48166 | Newport | 13,264 |
48117 | Carleton | 10,258 |
48144 | Lambertville | 9,672 |
48131 | Dundee | 7,978 |
48133 | Erie | 6,711 |
49270 | Petersburg | 5,634 |
49267 | Ottawa Lake | 4,024 |
48179 | South Rockwood | 3,613 |
48140 | Ida | 3,414 |
48145 | La Salle | 2,817 |
48159 | Maybee | 2,590 |
48157 | Luna Pier | 1,225 |
48177 | Samaria | 370 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 17 ZCTAs in Monroe County, Michigan (US Census).