Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
48823 | East Lansing | 49,713 |
48911 | Lansing | 40,755 |
48910 | Lansing | 33,221 |
48864 | Okemos | 23,359 |
48842 | Holt | 21,194 |
48854 | Mason | 19,502 |
48912 | Lansing | 16,378 |
48840 | Haslett | 12,611 |
48895 | Williamston | 11,331 |
48825 | East Lansing | 10,855 |
48915 | Lansing | 10,022 |
49251 | Leslie | 6,445 |
49285 | Stockbridge | 6,106 |
48892 | Webberville | 4,740 |
48933 | Lansing | 3,056 |
48819 | Dansville | 2,426 |
48824 | East Lansing | 1,969 |
49264 | Onondaga | 1,718 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 18 ZCTAs in Ingham County, Michigan (US Census).