Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
48422 | Croswell | 6,005 |
48471 | Sandusky | 5,613 |
48416 | Brown City | 5,291 |
48453 | Marlette | 4,991 |
48450 | Lexington | 4,503 |
48427 | Deckerville | 2,899 |
48475 | Ubly | 2,613 |
48419 | Carsonville | 2,196 |
48466 | Peck | 1,501 |
48472 | Snover | 1,403 |
48469 | Port Sanilac | 1,295 |
48401 | Applegate | 1,289 |
48426 | Decker | 1,280 |
48454 | Melvin | 1,162 |
48456 | Minden City | 728 |
48465 | Palms | 553 |
48434 | Forestville | 132 |
48410 | Argyle | 114 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 18 ZCTAs in Sanilac County, Michigan (US Census).