Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
18840 | Sayre | 11,281 |
18848 | Towanda | 8,810 |
18810 | Athens | 5,618 |
17724 | Canton | 4,719 |
16947 | Troy | 4,617 |
18853 | Wyalusing | 4,211 |
16925 | Gillett | 3,330 |
18837 | Rome | 2,740 |
16914 | Columbia Cross Roads | 2,415 |
18623 | Laceyville | 2,224 |
18833 | New Albany | 2,011 |
18850 | Ulster | 1,914 |
18832 | Monroeton | 1,857 |
18854 | Wysox | 1,517 |
18831 | Milan | 976 |
16926 | Granville Summit | 922 |
18846 | Sugar Run | 700 |
18829 | Le Raysville | 698 |
18851 | Warren Center | 534 |
18845 | Stevensville | 526 |
18814 | Burlington | 166 |
18817 | East Smithfield | 154 |
16910 | Alba | 61 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 23 ZCTAs in Bradford County, Pennsylvania (US Census).