Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
16201 | Kittanning | 16,824 |
15690 | Vandergrift | 9,450 |
16226 | Ford City | 8,160 |
16229 | Freeport | 5,143 |
16222 | Dayton | 3,076 |
16262 | Worthington | 2,802 |
15774 | Shelocta | 2,609 |
15618 | Avonmore | 2,489 |
16259 | Templeton | 2,068 |
16028 | East Brady | 2,061 |
16249 | Rural Valley | 1,931 |
15673 | North Apollo | 1,239 |
16218 | Cowansville | 1,189 |
15686 | Spring Church | 1,051 |
16210 | Adrian | 623 |
16238 | Manorville | 426 |
15736 | Elderton | 358 |
16228 | Ford Cliff | 355 |
16263 | Yatesboro | 331 |
16244 | Nu Mine | 309 |
16250 | Sagamore | 268 |
16245 | Oak Ridge | 253 |
16212 | Cadogan | 234 |
16236 | McGrann | 221 |
15682 | Schenley | 209 |
16253 | Seminole | 113 |
16223 | Distant | 69 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 27 ZCTAs in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania (US Census).