Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
16101 | New Castle | 30,954 |
16117 | Ellwood City | 15,805 |
16105 | New Castle | 15,565 |
16102 | New Castle | 5,166 |
16156 | Volant | 3,366 |
16157 | Wampum | 2,955 |
16116 | Edinburg | 2,857 |
16120 | Enon Valley | 2,315 |
16143 | Pulaski | 1,979 |
16141 | New Galilee | 1,741 |
16112 | Bessemer | 1,466 |
16160 | West Pittsburg | 956 |
16172 | New Wilmington | 845 |
16140 | New Bedford | 391 |
16132 | Hillsville | 350 |
16155 | Villa Maria | 98 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 16 ZCTAs in Lawrence County, Pennsylvania (US Census).