Child Labor by Country 2025

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5 Countries with the Most Child Labor

Total Child Labor 2015-2023
Male Labor 2015-2023
Female Labor 2015-2023
Child Labor Data Source 2015-2023
South Sudan48%50%47%MICS 2010, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Ethiopia45%51%39%National CLS 2015, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Burkina Faso42%43%40%DHS 2021, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Cameroon39%40%38%MICS 2014, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Chad39%39%40%MICS 2019, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Madagascar37%38%35%MICS 2018, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Haiti36%44%26%DHS 2012, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Niger34%34%35%DHS 2012, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Nigeria32%33%30%MICS 2021
Burundi31%30%32%DHS 2016-17, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Zambia30%28%32%Labour Force Survey 2014, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Zimbabwe30%28%32%MICS 2019, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Togo29%29%29%MICS 2017, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Uganda28%28%27%DHS 2016, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Somalia28%29%27%MICS 2019-20, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Laos28%27%29%MICS 2017, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Liberia28%26%29%DHS 2019-20, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Yemen27%28%26%DHS 2013, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Central African Republic27%25%29%MICS 2018-19, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Sierra Leone26%25%27%DHS 2019, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Sudan24%26%23%MICS 2014, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Guinea24%24%25%MICS 2016, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Mali23%23%23%EMOP 2020, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Nepal22%20%23%MICS 2014, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Kyrgyzstan22%25%19%MICS 2018, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Tanzania21%20%22%Tanzania Child Labour Survey 2014, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Ghana20%19%22%MICS 2017-18, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Afghanistan19%20%19%MICS 2022-23, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Angola19%17%20%DHS 2015-16, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Senegal19%19%19%MICS 2019, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Paraguay18%20%13%MICS 2016, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Gambia17%17%17%MICS 2018, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Guinea Bissau17%18%16%MICS 2018-19, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Fiji17%20%14%MICS 2021
Sao Tome and Principe17%18%16%MICS 2019, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Kiribati17%19%15%MICS 2018-19, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Vanuatu16%16%15%MICS 2021
DR Congo15%13%17%MICS 2017-18, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Peru15%14%15%CLS (Encuesta Trabajo Infantil) 2015, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Ivory Coast15%14%16%DHS 2021, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Honduras15%18%13%MICS 2019, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Mongolia15%16%13%MICS 2018, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Malawi14%14%14%MICS 2019-20, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Rwanda14%14%15%DHS 2014-15, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Bolivia14%14%13%ENNA 2019, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Republic of the Congo14%13%15%MICS 2014-15, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Lesotho14%15%13%MICS 2018, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Eswatini14%13%14%MICS 2021-22, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Cambodia13%12%14%LFS 2012, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Gabon12%13%11%DHS 2019-21, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Suriname12%12%11%MICS 2018, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Pakistan11%13%10%LFS 2017-18, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Solomon Islands11%11%10%MICS 2021
Vietnam10%12%8%MICS 2014, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Myanmar10%10%10%LFS 2015, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Comoros9%9%10%MICS 2022, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Syria8%9%7%MICS 2019, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Montenegro8%9%7%MICS 2018, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Bangladesh7%9%5%MICS 2019, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Colombia7%5%10%GEIH 2022, UNICEF and ILO calculations
El Salvador7%7%7%Encuesta de Hogares de Propósitos Múltiples (EHPM) 2019, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Chile6%7%5%Youth Activity Survey (Encuesta de Actividades de Nino, Ninas y Adolescentes) 2012, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Guyana6%7%6%MICS 2019-20, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Mexico5%6%3%ENTI 2019, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Iraq5%5%4%MICS 2018, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Turkmenistan5%6%5%MICS 2019, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Serbia5%6%4%MICS 2019, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Egypt4%4%3%EFHS 2021, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Philippines4%4%4%LFS 2021-22, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Uzbekistan4%4%3%MICS 2019, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Ukraine4%5%4%MICS 2012, UNICEF and ILO calculations
North Korea4%5%4%MICS 2017, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Dominican Republic4%5%3%MICS 2019, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Belarus4%5%3%MICS 2019, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Costa Rica4%4%3%MICS 2018, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Armenia4%5%3%CLS 2015, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Bhutan4%3%4%MICS 2010, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Algeria3%3%2%MICS 2018-19, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Jamaica3%3%2%Jamaica Youth Activity Survey 2016, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Albania3%4%3%CLS 2010, UNICEF and ILO calculations
North Macedonia3%4%2%MICS 2018-19, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Belize3%4%3%CAS 2013, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Brazil2%2%1%PNADCCL 2016, ILO Harmonized Microdata
Argentina2%2%2%EANNA 2016-17, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Tunisia2%2%1%MICS 2018, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Jordan2%2%1%CLS 2016, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Palestine2%2%1%Labour Force Survey 2021, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Panama2%3%1%Encuesta Trabajo Infantil (ETI) 2016, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Georgia2%2%1%CLS 2015, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Barbados1%2%1%MICS 2012, UNICEF and ILO calculations
Saint Lucia1%1%1%MICS 2012, UNICEF and ILO calculations
  • The data on child labor are presented as percentages covering two distinct time periods: 2015-2023 and 2014-2022.
  • Data shown indicate the percentages of children 5–17 years old who met any of the following conditions at the time of the survey:
  • (a) children 05–11 years old who, during the reference week, did at least one hour of economic activity (i.e.: paid labor at any wage) and/or more than 21 hours of unpaid household services
  • (b) children 12–14 years old who, during the reference week, did at least 14 hours of economic activity and/or more than 21 hours of unpaid household services
  • (c) children 15–17 years old who, during the reference week, did at least 43 hours of economic activity.