Fastest Growing Counties in Hawaii (2025)

Change (2020)
2025 Pop.
2020 Pop.
Hawaii County14.69%210,149200,744
Kalawao County21.25%8180
Kauai County31.09%73,98773,190
Maui County4-0.57%163,831164,768
Honolulu County5-3.34%978,5681,012,399

Hawaii County Growth Overview

Hawaii's counties show varied growth patterns from 2020 to 2025. Hawaii County leads with 4.69% annualized growth, followed by Kalawao County (1.25%) and Kauai County (1.09%). The largest counties are Honolulu County (978,568), Hawaii County (210,149), and Maui County (163,831). Of the 5 counties in Hawaii, 3 are growing while 2 have experienced population decline. Overall, counties averaged 0.62% annualized growth, with total population growing by -1.69% annually.