Fastest Growing Counties in Rhode Island (2025)

Change (2020)
2025 Pop.
2020 Pop.
Providence County11.07%666,997659,963
Kent County20.68%171,566170,406
Washington County3-0.26%129,434129,776
Bristol County4-1.25%50,15150,784
Newport County5-4.05%82,05485,515

Rhode Island County Growth Overview

Rhode Island's counties show varied growth patterns from 2020 to 2025. Providence County leads with 1.07% annualized growth, followed by Kent County (0.68%) and Washington County (-0.26%). The largest counties are Providence County (666,997), Kent County (171,566), and Washington County (129,434). Of the 5 counties in Rhode Island, 2 are growing while 3 have experienced population decline. Overall, counties averaged -0.76% annualized growth, with total population growing by 0.34% annually.