Fastest Growing Counties in Massachusetts (2025)

Change (2020)
2025 Pop.
2020 Pop.
Hampshire County110.81%162,470146,616
Worcester County21.77%874,852859,669
Plymouth County31.74%539,428530,200
Bristol County41.61%586,035576,772
Nantucket County51.47%14,44614,237
Barnstable County61.33%231,049228,012
Essex County71.17%817,269807,791
Norfolk County80.96%731,481724,554
Middlesex County90.62%1,638,2681,628,235
Dukes County10-0.29%20,53320,593
Franklin County11-0.57%70,51870,923
Hampden County12-1.07%459,357464,311
Berkshire County13-2.53%125,360128,619
Suffolk County14-3.7%767,651797,181

Massachusetts County Growth Overview

Massachusetts's counties show varied growth patterns from 2020 to 2025. Hampshire County leads with 10.81% annualized growth, followed by Worcester County (1.77%) and Plymouth County (1.74%). The largest counties are Middlesex County (1,638,268), Worcester County (874,852), and Essex County (817,269). Of the 14 counties in Massachusetts, 9 are growing while 5 have experienced population decline. Overall, counties averaged 0.95% annualized growth, with total population growing by 0.59% annually.