Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
29910 | Bluffton | 47,927 |
29906 | Beaufort | 25,772 |
29926 | Hilton Head Island | 25,384 |
29909 | Okatie | 23,490 |
29902 | Beaufort | 16,999 |
29928 | Hilton Head Island | 14,680 |
29907 | Beaufort | 14,580 |
29920 | Saint Helena Island | 10,482 |
29935 | Port Royal | 4,594 |
29940 | Seabrook | 3,958 |
29904 | Beaufort | 1,164 |
29905 | Parris Island | 1,082 |
29915 | Daufuskie Island | 569 |
29941 | Sheldon | 150 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 14 ZCTAs in Beaufort County, South Carolina (US Census).