Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
29301 | Spartanburg | 35,380 |
29349 | Inman | 35,204 |
29316 | Boiling Springs | 30,283 |
29303 | Spartanburg | 27,413 |
29307 | Spartanburg | 18,759 |
29306 | Spartanburg | 17,932 |
29302 | Spartanburg | 17,897 |
29334 | Duncan | 16,964 |
29388 | Woodruff | 16,059 |
29323 | Chesnee | 15,024 |
29369 | Moore | 14,980 |
29365 | Lyman | 14,903 |
29322 | Campobello | 10,432 |
29376 | Roebuck | 8,858 |
29385 | Wellford | 8,039 |
29335 | Enoree | 5,687 |
29374 | Pauline | 2,976 |
29377 | Startex | 525 |
29320 | Arcadia | 383 |
29368 | Mayo | 274 |
29346 | Glendale | 254 |
29333 | Drayton | 224 |
29373 | Pacolet Mills | 190 |
29375 | Reidville | 148 |
29378 | Una | 109 |
29329 | Converse | 106 |
29338 | Fingerville | 79 |
29324 | Clifton | 74 |
29331 | Cross Anchor | 25 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 29 ZCTAs in Spartanburg County, South Carolina (US Census).