Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
29678 | Seneca | 23,359 |
29693 | Westminster | 13,420 |
29691 | Walhalla | 12,337 |
29672 | Seneca | 12,217 |
29676 | Salem | 5,960 |
29696 | West Union | 5,102 |
29643 | Fair Play | 2,915 |
29664 | Mountain Rest | 1,908 |
29686 | Tamassee | 863 |
29658 | Long Creek | 385 |
29665 | Newry | 341 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 11 ZCTAs in Oconee County, South Carolina (US Census).