Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
29115 | Orangeburg | 27,024 |
29118 | Orangeburg | 16,051 |
29059 | Holly Hill | 5,258 |
29142 | Santee | 4,907 |
29048 | Eutawville | 4,820 |
29112 | North | 3,627 |
29047 | Elloree | 3,490 |
29018 | Bowman | 3,359 |
29039 | Cordova | 3,058 |
29107 | Neeses | 2,709 |
29038 | Cope | 2,691 |
29432 | Branchville | 2,389 |
29113 | Norway | 2,215 |
29163 | Vance | 1,385 |
29146 | Springfield | 1,267 |
29133 | Rowesville | 909 |
29117 | Orangeburg | 555 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 17 ZCTAs in Orangeburg County, South Carolina (US Census).