Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
29072 | Lexington | 67,669 |
29073 | Lexington | 49,849 |
29212 | Columbia | 27,310 |
29036 | Chapin | 25,544 |
29169 | West Columbia | 22,039 |
29170 | West Columbia | 21,279 |
29053 | Gaston | 20,620 |
29070 | Leesville | 16,357 |
29033 | Cayce | 12,890 |
29054 | Gilbert | 9,383 |
29172 | West Columbia | 9,359 |
29123 | Pelion | 7,511 |
29160 | Swansea | 6,966 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 13 ZCTAs in Lexington County, South Carolina (US Census).