Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
29588 | Myrtle Beach | 52,899 |
29526 | Conway | 49,383 |
29579 | Myrtle Beach | 49,113 |
29577 | Myrtle Beach | 34,384 |
29576 | Murrells Inlet | 32,817 |
29527 | Conway | 28,167 |
29566 | Little River | 19,722 |
29582 | North Myrtle Beach | 19,701 |
29575 | Myrtle Beach | 19,511 |
29569 | Loris | 16,460 |
29568 | Longs | 16,331 |
29572 | Myrtle Beach | 11,441 |
29544 | Galivants Ferry | 6,987 |
29511 | Aynor | 6,075 |
29581 | Nichols | 4,436 |
29545 | Green Sea | 1,648 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 16 ZCTAs in Horry County, South Carolina (US Census).