Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
29488 | Walterboro | 22,354 |
29435 | Cottageville | 4,462 |
29945 | Yemassee | 4,165 |
29475 | Ruffin | 2,324 |
29481 | Smoaks | 1,527 |
29474 | Round O | 1,487 |
29446 | Green Pond | 1,317 |
29929 | Islandton | 982 |
29082 | Lodge | 426 |
29452 | Jacksonboro | 246 |
29493 | Williams | 232 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 11 ZCTAs in Colleton County, South Carolina (US Census).