Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
29223 | Columbia | 51,354 |
29229 | Columbia | 49,097 |
29203 | Columbia | 41,205 |
29210 | Columbia | 40,923 |
29063 | Irmo | 38,754 |
29209 | Columbia | 36,979 |
29016 | Blythewood | 29,154 |
29201 | Columbia | 22,938 |
29205 | Columbia | 22,861 |
29206 | Columbia | 18,746 |
29204 | Columbia | 18,034 |
29061 | Hopkins | 12,569 |
29207 | Columbia | 9,963 |
29044 | Eastover | 4,208 |
29052 | Gadsden | 2,479 |
29208 | Columbia | 2,281 |
29225 | Columbia | 401 |
29177 | White Rock | 176 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 18 ZCTAs in Richland County, South Carolina (US Census).