Presidents Who Were Left Handed 2024

Were Any Presidents Left-Handed?

The vast majority of people on the planet are right-handed. It is relatively unusual for someone to be left-handed. The same is true of presidents of the United States. Just as most people are right-handed, most presidents are right-handed as well. That being said, there are still a handful of people who have been elected president who were left-handed. Many of them have had a significant impact on the country, and there is no correlation between whether someone is left-handed and whether they will make a good or bad president.

Which Presidents Were Left-Handed?

There are several presidents who were left-handed. The only president who is known to be left-handed prior to the 20th century was James Garfield. He was elected president of the United States in 1880, and he took the oath of office in 1881. Unfortunately, he was assassinated a few months after his presidency started, so he did not get to make a significant impact on the country.

In addition, Harry Truman was also left-handed. He served as president of the United States from 1945 to 1953. He took over as the President of the United States after Franklin Delano Roosevelt died in office, shortly after being elected to his final term as president. Even though he was left-handed as a child, he wrote with his right hand for the vast majority of his letters.

There are several presidents in the modern era who were left-handed. For example, Ronald Reagan, who served as the President of the United States from 1981 to 1989, was left-handed. Even though he was technically left-handed, he did most of his writing with his right hand.

George Bush Sr, who served as the President of the United States from 1989 to 1993, was also left-handed. He led the coalition during the first Gulf War.

In the next presidential election, Bill Clinton defeated George Bush Sr, who went on to become a one-term President. Bill Clinton was also left-handed. He served as the President of the United States for two terms, from 1993 to 2001. Finally, Barack Obama served as the President of the United States from 2009 to 2017. He was also left-handed.

Is Being Left-Handed Bad?

No, being left-handed is not necessarily a bad thing. It simply means that the brain tends to work in the opposite direction. For example, some children who are left-handed require a special desk while they are in school. It makes it much easier for them to take notes during class.

Even though it is difficult to tell whether historical presidents were left-handed, there are some people who believe that Thomas Jefferson was left-handed. Even though he was right-handed, he suffered a serious injury to his right wrist during his life. After that, he did a lot of his writing with his left hand. It is said that he became ambidextrous as a result of his injury, but it is difficult to tell whether it's true.